inspired by Kim Miller, musician
Many of my women friends have lamented to me lately they feel sadness, hopelessness, and alone stuck in keeping their voices in their head separate from the emotional tug inside their gut. My first response is to refer them to “Suffs”, the Broadway musical because it carries the spectators away from the previous Suffragette movement when women ‘suffered’, to our current reality of the ending of patriarchy. To many people patriarchy is a bad word. Change the frame of what we are watching, and we gain insight.
My sense is that we are at the end of a long cycle of humans living out of balance with each other. When we take a long view beyond the tic-toc moments of the clockface, perceptions can expand across eons of understanding.
Stuck in the either/or, good/bad, right/wrong paradigms of duality, we are blinded by boundaries that literally do not exist.
Deeply buried in many humans is the internal knowing, the intuitive untapped wisdom that is waiting to be recognized. When suppressed truths are unacknowledged and when our voices are restricted, we may unwittingly perpetuate a male-voiced civilization that is disconnected from women.
The Supreme Court attempted to put the cork back into the bottle when they overturned Roe vs. Wade. Not surprisingly, the risk of the roar has begun to pervade among girls and women across the country. Fathers, husbands, sons and boys are realizing this is about family health and decision-making.
My gifted friend, Kim Miller’s song, Risk of the Roar, has never been timelier. The lyrics are beautifully scripted to allow our deeply held voices to come to the surface.
“risk of a moon on an indigo night, risk of something burning inside, risk of calling out something more”……
Love my old neighbor Kim. ❤️