Pathways can go in any direction, backwards and forward, seemingly round and round again. There is no pathway that doesn’t have its ups and downs. But how do we know when the path is heading towards what we truly desire?
As a young mother, I had no sense of direction. Literally and figuratively. Unless the sun was rising or setting my inner compass could not discern geographical directions. I needed to see visual landmarks. Big ones. Distinctive images. If someone told me to turn south on such and such street, I would invariably turn the wrong direction.
This was upsetting to others because they didn’t understand my ‘disability’. In order to counter the getting lost process that often happened when taking the kids to a new location for a game, or activity, I devised what I called ‘Lost Time’.
Padding extra space into our destinations, we had accidental adventures along the way. Surprisingly, I have fond memories of getting off the beaten pathways. New discoveries popped into our experiences, especially mine.
The concept of losing my way continues to morph even in this later trimester of my life. “There’s no such thing as failure, only feedback” resonates as I hold intentions to find clarity as I journey.
How do you define Lost?