Sitting by the river, I consider the essence of water.
· Water takes the shape of its container.
· Water can overflow its container.
· Water can evaporate from its container.
· Water carries codes of etheric energy.
· Water can change form from liquid to gaseous or solid to become more or less visible to the naked eye.
· Water carries patterns that easily morph.
· Water is life.
The flowing, pushing, waving, sparkling, bubbling sensations can represent my feelings, especially when I become still. Rather than naming emotions as mad, glad, sad and afraid, I am experimenting with the vernacular of water characteristics. I especially like it when I feel the bubbling and flowing.
Recently I was reminded of some family dynamics that have been dramatically brought to light. I felt the resisting sense of not wanting to pay attention as if there was a boulder that was preventing the flow of my energy. Then I noticed a sense of stagnation that was breeding lots of other ‘stuff’ that I did not want to recognize.
As I pondered in my diary, I began to ask myself, “what wants to happen in this situation? Remove the boulder? Add more water? Wait for rain?”
I began to visualize a big push of forceful water, noticing the sparkle, seeing the water flowing and clearing the stagnation. I encoded the water I imagined with love, forgiveness and faith that I can change the pattern by knowing that water is life. Living water flows even when it appears to be still.